- Cikkszám:
- MABA103
- Brand:
- Maros
- Kiszerelés:
- 1 Kg
ECO Ánizs
Az ánizs a horgászatban hol előtérbe kerül, hol egy kicsit a feledés homályába merül. Egy biztos, ezt az illóolaj alapú ízanyagot sosem szabad elfelejteni a békéshalak horgászata során. Világos szín, közepes szemcsézet, apró pellet szemek és jó tapadás jellemzi ezt az anyagot. Pontyos-kárászos felmelegedett vizeken feltétlenül érdemes rápróbálni.
The ECO line of groundbaits is perhaps the most popular among the Maros groundbaits on the market. Pellet tuning technology has further enhanced the effectiveness of these mixtures. The introduction of this new production technology in this price segment has been a brave step. The groundbait attracts fish into your swim and they will spend extra time there looking for the pellets, making your fishing session more successful. Easy preparation of this mix makes it ideal for all anglers. For even better results, feel free to add Maros additives best suited for your specific fishing condition. This product line features a range of package options (1, 3, 8 and 15 kg) as well as 20 different flavours, offering a solution for most fish and water types.
Dintre nadele Maros, familia de produse ECO este probabil cea mai populara printre pescari. Datorita tehnologiei de productie pellet tuning, nadele ECO au devenit mai eficiente si mai atractive pentru pesti. Performantele anterioare au fost imbunatatite cu tehnologia PELLET tuning, realizand ceea ce in aceasta categorie de pret se poate numi unic. Multumita tehnologiei de productie a nadei, pestii stau mai mult pe patul de nada iar noi avem sanse crescute de reusita. Prepararea usoara si simpla pot fii motive convingatore pentru folosirea acestui sortiment. Prin adaugarea diferitilor aditivi se poate mari puterea de atractie a nadei. Modurile de ambalare la (1-38-15 kg) si cele 20 de arome si compozitii diferite satisfac toate nevoile pentru pescuitul diferitelor specii cu multiple metode, fiind cheia partidelor reusite de pescuit.